Announcement : 

IMPORTANT REMINDER – Monday 17th February – TEACHER ONLY DAY – School is CLOSED for teaching Instructions.  Please ensure you have organised supervision for your child/ren on this day. See you all back at school on Tuesday 18th February.  


In Connected Curriculum students explore topics that make meaningful connections with their lives.

Through the inquiry process, students form investigative questions, gather and analyse information, generate solutions and take social action.

Maths at Homai is an adventure and we aim to create and develop mathematicians for the future. we encourage talking through our maths ideas and working together to solve mathematical problems. Our learning is always set in real life settings so that we practice numeracy skills in every day living. We also work hard at knowing our maths knowledge instantly, so we can use this knowledge to solve problems. Learning our maths knowledge is an important part of our homework activities.

Maths idea and learning are integrated into every area of the curriculum so that we can apply our skills and knowledge to a variety of contexts.

Writing is a big focus at Homai again this year! We have Vision Education Facilitators working alongside our teachers to further develop their knowledge and skills in teaching writing. We never stop learning and growing at Homai!

So what is my child learning in writing? In the first three years at Homai your child will be developing the skills and strategies to learn how to write. As they move up into the senior school, students are learning to use these skills and strategies to write a variety of texts across the curriculum. This term they will be writing explanations and procedural texts as part of their science inquiry looking at plants.

How can I help my child in writing? Encourage your child to write often at home. This may be simple tasks such as, shopping lists, notes and emails. Your child could keep a daily journal to record their activities, thoughts and feelings. They could also write about the story they are reading and share their writing with the whole family.

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