Announcement : 

Monday 26th August  We kindly remind everyone that school starts promptly at 8:50 am. To ensure a smooth start to the school day, we ask all families to help their children arrive on time. As of Monday 26th August, any student arriving after 9:00 am will be marked as late. They will need to report to the office to sign in and collect a late pass, which they should then give to their class teacher. Thank you for your support as we adjust to this new schedule. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated in helping us maintain a positive and productive learning environment. Ngā mihi nui, Homai School Team

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L)

Homai is a PB4L School. PB4L is a school-wide process or framework that is developed for the teaching of social and behavioural skills so that the focus can be on teaching and learning. The framework is based on international evidence and is helping New Zealand schools build a culture where positive behaviour and learning in life.

We have tailored PB4L into our own school values which ensures that we all speak, demonstrate and actively encourage the same values and expectations for all. It is framed around our school values of Gives – (Guardianship Integrity Vigilance Empathy Success).

We have begun our Positive Behaviour for Learning journey by forming a fantastic PB4L team who have attended regular professional development courses throughout the year. From these workshops we have developed our framework which has been implemented in Homai as well as sharing it with our whanau.

“It’s not about changing the students; it’s about changing the environment, systems and practices so that we support our tamariki to make positive behaviour choices”. Ministry of Education TKI – PB4L


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