Announcement : 

IMPORTANT REMINDER – Monday 17th February – TEACHER ONLY DAY – School is CLOSED for teaching Instructions.  Please ensure you have organised supervision for your child/ren on this day. See you all back at school on Tuesday 18th February.  

Term 1 starts Monday 3rd February. Our Car Park is CLOSED.

Term 1 starts Monday 3rd February.   Powhiri for new students and staff at 9.15am CAR PARK is CLOSED due to construction. Please park on the main road or the netball courts and walk over. Entrance to school is through Nga Taonga Gate and walking around to the netball courts. Please follow signage around the … Read moreTerm 1 starts Monday 3rd February. Our Car Park is CLOSED.

Prize Givings this week – Wednesday 4th December @ 9.30am School Prize Giving, Thursday 5th @ 9.30: WAKA AHURU Prize Giving, @ 11.30am TAPASA O LE FOLAUGA FOU, Friday 6th Dec @ 9.30am TE MOANA NUI A KIWA Prize Giving, @ 11.30am AHUKURA Prize giving

Wedensday 4th December HOMAI SCHOOL PRIZE GIVING 9.30am in our school hall. THURSDAY 5th December WAKA AHURU Prize Giving FOR: Rooms 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 TIME: 9.30am then TAPASA O LE FOLAUGA FOU FOR: POTU 6, 7, 8, and 9 TIME: 11.30am FRIDAY 6th DECEMBER TE MOANA NUI A KIWA Prize Giving FOR: … Read morePrize Givings this week – Wednesday 4th December @ 9.30am School Prize Giving, Thursday 5th @ 9.30: WAKA AHURU Prize Giving, @ 11.30am TAPASA O LE FOLAUGA FOU, Friday 6th Dec @ 9.30am TE MOANA NUI A KIWA Prize Giving, @ 11.30am AHUKURA Prize giving

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